Mort Castle

If I have a mentor it would probably be Mort Castle. Mort is one of those rare people who has a wealth of knowledge and an ability to relay that knowledge in a clear concise manner.

His grasp of everything from the intricacies of plot development to the behind the scenes workings of the writing and graphics field is extraordinary.
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I've turned to him for advice on more occasions than I can count. He's a great writer and an even greater friend.

I had the pleasure of illustrating his story "If You Take My Hand, My Son" in the 1992 comic J. N. WILLIAMSON'S MASQUES #2 . His psychological tale of the sad life of a young man abused by his father and how he makes peace with it at deaths' door was powerful. It was a tale from a writer who worked beyond the constraints of the comic medium and had the skill to translate this larger than life tale to the comics form.

Unfortunately, that has been our only comic book collaboration to date. We do have a few projects in the works so watch my website. I'll be sure to inform you all before it's release.

If you have a chance pick up his new anthology "Moon on The Water."

It is full of extremely dark terrifying tales that's not for the faint of heart. In other words it's classic Castle. Mort Castle's web site is at: